Pourquoi l’armée choisit-elle d’utiliser un mât télescopique à manivelle ?

Pourquoi l’armée choisit-elle d’utiliser un mât télescopique à manivelle ?

Nouvelles Eric Zhao 09 oct. 2023

Why Does The Military Choose To Use Hand Crank Telescoping Mast ?

The military chooses to use hand-crank telescoping masts for a variety of reasons, including:

Reliability: Hand-crank telescoping masts are very reliable and can operate in a wide range of environmental conditions, including extreme temperatures, high winds, and dust storms. They are also relatively simple to maintain and repair.
Portability: Hand-crank telescoping masts are relatively lightweight and compact, making them easy to transport and deploy in remote locations.
Versatility: Hand-crank telescoping masts can be used for a variety of military applications, including:
Communications: Hand-crank telescoping masts can be used to deploy antennas for radios, satellite terminals, and other communication equipment.
Surveillance: Hand-crank telescoping masts can be used to deploy cameras, radar, and other surveillance equipment to provide a high vantage point for monitoring an area.
Illumination: Hand-crank telescoping masts can be used to deploy spotlights and other lighting equipment to illuminate an area at night or in low-light conditions.
Support: Hand-crank telescoping masts can be used to support other equipment, such as meteorological sensors, weather balloons, and scientific instruments.
Here are some specific examples of how the military uses hand-crank telescoping masts:

The US Army uses hand-crank telescoping masts to deploy the Joint Tactical Radio System (JTRS), a family of software-defined radios that provide secure communications for soldiers in the field. JTRS radios can be used to transmit voice, data, and video over a variety of communication networks, including VHF, UHF, and satellite.
The US Marine Corps uses hand-crank telescoping masts to deploy the AN/PPS-15B Lightweight Airborne Surveillance System (LASS), a portable radar system that can be used to detect and track aircraft, ground vehicles, and ships. LASS can be deployed on a variety of platforms, including tripods, vehicles, and even small boats.
The US Air Force uses hand-crank telescoping masts to deploy the AN/TSQ-237 Joint Tactical Ground Station (JTAGS), a mobile ground control station for unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). JTAGS provides operators with a real-time video feed from the UAV's cameras, as well as the ability to control the UAV's flight path and payload.
In addition to the military, hand-crank telescoping masts are also used by a variety of other organizations, including:

Emergency services: Fire departments, police departments, and other emergency services use hand-crank telescoping masts to deploy communication and surveillance equipment in disaster zones.
Media organizations: News organizations use hand-crank telescoping masts to deploy cameras and other equipment to cover events in remote locations.
Scientific organizations: Scientific organizations use hand-crank telescoping masts to deploy equipment for a variety of research projects, such as weather monitoring, atmospheric studies, and wildlife observation.
Here are some of the advantages of using hand-crank telescoping masts over other types of masts, such as pneumatic masts and hydraulic masts:

Hand-crank telescoping masts are less expensive.
Hand-crank telescoping masts are easier to maintain and repair.
Hand-crank telescoping masts are more reliable and can operate in a wider range of environmental conditions.
Hand-crank telescoping masts are more portable and easier to deploy.
Overall, hand-crank telescoping masts are a versatile and reliable solution for a variety of military and civilian applications.

Here are some additional reasons why the military chooses to use hand-crank telescoping masts:

Silent operation: Hand-crank telescoping masts are silent to operate, which is important for military operations where stealth is required.
Manual operation: Hand-crank telescoping masts can be operated manually, even if there is no external power source available. This is important for military operations in remote locations or in situations where the electrical grid has been damaged.
Durability: Hand-crank telescoping masts are made from durable materials, such as aluminum and stainless steel, which makes them resistant to corrosion and wear and tear.
Cost-effectiveness: Hand-crank telescoping masts are relatively inexpensive, making them a cost-effective solution for the military.
Overall, hand-crank telescoping masts are a valuable tool for the military because they are reliable, versatile, and cost-effective.



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